Welcome to Radiant Aura Rejuvenation

Your Transformation Begins Today!

If you purchased any additional meditations, they are available at the bottom of this page.

Are you ready to Experience Radiant Aura Rejuvenation?

Welcome to Radiant Aura Rejuvenation. Just find a relaxing place to sit down for about 15 minutes. You can sit in a chair or yoga style on the ground. Or you can lie down. The important thing is to have a straight back.  

Turn your senses within and begin to explore your inner radiance.

For each of the following days, I recommend doing one session per day at about the same time. Each session is 16-20 minutes in length. Right after you wake up, or right before you go to sleep are the most popular choices.

Send me an email if you have any questions! 



If you purchased the Radiant Body Meditation just click the image above to access the meditations. 

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