I have just purchased a meditation but I have not received login details yet.
I’m sorry I realize this is annoying. This happens if you don’t complete the check out process. As a result, there is a delay in the creation of your account.
You’re order will be processed successfully and you will receive your account details within 2 hours. Just look for an email from “Thomas Mack”.
Also there is a possibility the email went to your spam folder.
I have a charge on my credit card statement from THOMASMACK, MEDITATION, or LESACRECORPS
This is most likely because you subscribed to our Huma Society monthly membership. If you would like to cancel your account or would like help with this charge, please use the contact form below and we’ll respond within a few hours to help!
When I try to listen to the meditations, my phone stops playing the audio file after a few minutes.
This could be caused by a few different factors. First you could try to leave the screen on while you listen.
The next step would be to restart your phone and see if that fixes the problem.
If that doesn’t work you could try disabling auto-lock. For iPhones, this can be done by opening Settings.app, going to General, then scrolling down to “Auto-Lock”. Set this to “Never”.
If you’re on an android, the easiest solution would be to download the audio files to your phone.
How can I reset my password?
You can do that by visiting this link and click “forgot password”.
How can I get a refund?
Just send us a message with the contact form below using the email address you made the purchase with. We will refund you within 24 hours. You don’t need to provide a reason or a receipt.
How do I cancel my membership to the Huma Society
Just send us a message with the contact form below using the email address you made the purchase with and we will immediately cancel your account.
If you have any other questions, or just want to say hi. Please use the contact from below and we’ll respond within 24 hours.
#105 75 S Main St
Concord, NH, 03301-7923
United States